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sábado, 20 de julio de 2024



It's not from a mountain top
But from the top of the stairs
Where I'm watching the city on flames and despair
Didn't flee and now I'm doomed
Can't hold it anymore
It's the whole building coming down,
God, why are you claiming my soul?
Is death the only way out?
Or perhaps will I be grabbed by an angel
Before the city turns into a real hellish nightmare?
Didn't pay enough attention
When things went off balance
Thought our lives were blessed by sheer good will
But instead demons came up from the underground
Ready to take over to crown their fiendish King
Is death the only way out?
Or perhaps will I be grabbed by an angel
Before the city turns into a real hellish nightmare?
I'm being covered by a red cloud
And a dark sea is rising choking my soul
Hoping to wake up in the threshold of death
And get up under the light of a new sunrise.
Hope never dies.