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martes, 17 de enero de 2012


Leemos y leemos. Buscamos respuestas. Observamos cómo se nos va la vida sin encontrar las respuestas definitivas. Las ideas nos sirven por momentos. Luego se agotan. Cada vez se agotan más deprisa. ¿Qué demonios hacemos en este mundo?

Pero hay un alma que nunca se rinde. Un alma que no renuncia a ser absorbida. Un alma que sigue reivindicando su derecho a conocer la razón de esta existencia.

Se pueden oír carcajadas en algún sitio del Universo. Se ríen de nuestras interrogantes y de nuestra indagación. Hay algo o alguien o algunos que se ríen de nosotros.

¿Qué demonios hacemos en este mundo?

2 comentarios:

  1. Are we here only to suffer?
    This is a warped sick joke.
    An alien experiment!
    I want out!
    Stop the world.....I want to get off! (remember that?)
    The most frustrating thing is.........................We can never know any answers as to why we are here, living in this very moment. People can claim to have the truth, the facts. Scientists can offer hypothesis. Religion can call on your blind faith. BUT NOBODY ACTUALLY KNOWS!!! You can say we are part of a great light, a divine spirit , the IS that wanted to experience itself. And I can say we are a brief fart omitted by the arse of the cosmos.
    Neither of us can prove anything!
    So place your bets on the infinite number of possibilities and hope your number comes up!
    Yours resignedly,
    He who hath lost the faith. b.

  2. You sound like Alan Watts an author I always like to read over and over.

    You know, I sometimes think we're living in an Absolute Present. This world is an absolute present where nothing is missing. It's all there. Now!! Absolute Quite and Absolute Still. Parmenides's story.

    Best Regards,

